The customer experience you want your eCommerce to provide.

Simplifying the search, sort and display of complex product categories while giving your customers an easy to use, easy to purchase eCommerce experience.



eCommerce has not changed in 20+ years. PGT's powerful platform allows your customers to see and purchase from complete category of product, all from one page in milliseconds.

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Mobile Ready

Mobile Ready

Today's customers are busier than ever and need access to your information wherever or whenever they want. PGT has been fat finger tested and comes through with a customer experience they'll come back to.

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Powerful Framework

Powerful Framework

PGT is built on the Microsoft Azure platform, providing a secure cloud environment that is easy to update and maintain. PGT has been awarded several patents for our technology.

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Delivering frictionless e-commerce: what brands can do to delight users.

Frictionless e-commerce is all about using data and insight on consumer behavior and preferences to help design simple, seamless buying experiences. The ultimate end goal is to enable users to buy your product or service within as few clicks as possible, hence removing any friction. With the dominance of Amazon across the pandemic period, consumers

Digital transformation: Focusing on the customer experience

After all, it always has been, and still is, all about your customer and their buying experience. While making updates and necessary changes to your company’s technology stack and business processes, these changes should always be focused around the customer experience. These customer-centric and date driven changes will provide your company the opportunity to lead

Due to COVID-19 and Increasing Customer Expectations, Industrial B2B Sales Have Changed Forever

B2B buyers expect no less than what they experience in a B2C environment, offering the same speed and ease along the buying journey. They want transparency and convenience throughout the buying experience and will quickly move on if their needs are not met. A recent McKinsey report found that 70-80% of B2B decision makers preferred

What is Faceted Search?

What is Faceted Search? Faceted search is a technique which involves augmenting traditional search techniques with a faceted navigation system, allowing users to narrow down search results by applying multiple filters based on faceted classification of the items.[1] A faceted classification system classifies each information element along multiple explicit dimensions, called facets, enabling the classifications to be accessed and