Due to COVID-19 and Increasing Customer Expectations, Industrial B2B Sales Have Changed Forever

B2B buyers expect no less than what they experience in a B2C environment, offering the same speed and ease along the buying journey. They want transparency and convenience throughout the buying experience and will quickly move on if their needs are not met.

A recent McKinsey report found that 70-80% of B2B decision makers preferred digital and remote interactions with sales reps. In addition, the company would save on travel time and associated costs. 90% of B2B buyers expect the new business models to remain in place and most find it more effective. What started out as a necessary solution is quickly being adopted as the new normal; “Once you let the cat out of the bag there’s no getting it back in”.

B2B sales are growing double digits every month, increasing yearly by 70+%. You know you want some of this!

  • Allow your customers the option to buy from your company on their own time, using the platform of their choice.
  • Drive consistent interaction with a customer focused website that is a thoughtful self-service experience.
  • Listen to the conversation by engaging with your customers on social platforms.

Covid accelerated shifting buyer preferences and disrupted traditional buying processes magnifying the need for businesses to develop and implement a digital strategy or get left behind.

Learn in our NEW Fastener Industry | The Digital Landscape 2021 report, how your company fares against the industry averages for B2B companies that are making strategic investments to grow their online presence.

Download your free copy today:

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